Our Tax Clinic will be open March 3 to April 28.
Tax Clinic times are Mondays 12:30pm to 3pm and Fridays 9:30am to 12pm. We will be closed Easter Friday and Easter Monday.
Taxes for tax year 2024 and earlier will be completed with you. First come first served, no appointment necessary.
If you have completed your taxes with us, you must contact CRA at 1-800-959-8281 for any changes or questions. We do not keep your tax information.
Please Bring: Social Insurance Number, T4s and T5s. We require ID with your full name and address.
Eligibility: This program is for low income individuals (under $35,000 annual income) and families (under $45,000 annual income)
Not Eligible: We are not able to complete business returns (including self-employment ie. Uber) or taxes for those earning more than $35,000.
Note: We can help you catch up by filing multiple year tax returns. We cannot file taxes if any documentation is missing.